Thursday, January 12, 2006

Extending Hospitality... and Affection

Two things converged to inspire this blog... and powerful things they are to overcome my aversion to something as pretentious as a personal blog. First, many colleagues and friends have encouraged me to start this blog as a way of sharing my thoughts about ministry and life. Second, my desire to minister to college students has been complicated by a lack of accessibility. Students are quite busy these days not only with classes but extracurricular activities and work. Getting time to sit down with students, talk with them about their lives and how the Gospel might bring transformation is challenging. How can we extend the hospitality of Christ when students only seem to have enough time to grab a sandwich at Subway, wolf it down and then dash off to their next meeting? We need a place... a small corner in some space... to get together for good conversation. This blog is part of an attempt to find that space (even if it has to be in cyberspace) where we can meet and have some semblance of communication. I will start the conversation and then if you want, answer back with your thoughts. For those in St. Louis, there will be opportunities for more traditional expressions of hospitality but I want to make some accommodation for those who want greater pastoring, mentoring or just interaction but just have difficulty finding the time for that.Hopefully you find this small corner in cyberspace encouraging to your walk with Christ or (if your don't call yourself of Christian) your attempts to experience God. Regardless, you are always welcome at Mercy Corner.

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