Thursday, April 30, 2009

Something to Be Said for Longevity in Ministry

So I was standing in a delivery room in a hospital today, talking with a mom and dad to-be about the incommunicable attributes of God and the curse of the Fall as it relates to bearing children. It was a herky-jerky conversation, having to pause every few minutes as a contraction waxed and then waned (and, yes, the expecting mother was engaged in this theological discussion). As I think on it now, it must have seemed a very strange interaction to the nurses coming in and out of the room.

But I have known this couple since before they were a couple, before the husband came to faith in Christ. I served as their campus minister and now as their pastor so I have been ministering to them for over a decade. These two are both very bright and intellectually curious. The wife is a science teacher and that sums her up well (though this keen mind is "trapped in the body of game show hostess"... can anyone name the movie that's from?). The husband is an actuary in training though his journey to his current profession led him through some menial jobs, a brief stint in St. Louis thinking he would go to seminary (and living in my spare bedroom for a couple of months) and then working as a math teacher. And through much of it, I have been there to encourage, challenge and counsel, leading to this afternoon to the hours before the birth of their first child... a son.

Again, it must have seemed a strange sight to those not familiar with this couple and my long relationship with them but for us it was perfectly natural and even enjoyable (well, I don't want to speak for the laboring mom, but she seemed to be having a much better time after the epidural). You don't get this depth of relationship moving from pastorate to pastorate. There is something to be said for sticking in one place if Providence allows. And if He does, there are sweet rewards. Spending those couple of hours with these soon-to-be-parents... the honor was all mine.

(FYI, mother and baby boy are doing great!)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Getting Back Into the Swing

Alright... I know it's been three years but it is my hope to get back to regular posts. It begins with something simple: stop burying God's gifts in the ground! That's what people have been telling me and that is why I am back to blogging. I hope this won't be an excercise in proving not only to myself but to all my friends and parisioners how undisciplined I am.

Whatever the future holds for this small corner of the web, Mercy Corner is back.